Posted by: Cooking Thyme | October 22, 2013

Food Remedies For Burns

You know the saying; if you play with fire you’ll get burned? Well, it’s true, and the proof is in the kitchen.

Growing up my mum used to put either coffee or toothpaste on my burns, and it works like magic. I’m sure a few of you have heard of some of these food remedies before (and maybe even tried them). While I’m not a doctor here and not recommending in any way, that you try these at home if it’s a major burn (going to the doctors and over the counter medicine is a safer solution)

If you’ve spent time in the kitchen cooking, I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of run-ins with a hot oven or a scorching pan that resulted in a burn. – I had many times- While a serious burn should be treated professionally at the hospital, most people find their own home remedies when it comes to minor burns, here I will mention the food that you can use to treat minor burns.

I am curious as to what you think of these home remedies. Are they a good idea for treating an injury? Do you have a better remedy that didn’t make the list? Share it with us.

  • Honey:-


Honey is another home remedy that keeps coming up as a cure for minor burns — only this one may actually have some scientific backing. While more studies need to be done, it seems that honey may shorten the healing time of a burn.

  • Vinegar:-


Vinegar, which has also been said to soothe bug bites, is supposed to help with the pain from a cooking burn as well. Apply it with a damp kitchen cloth.


  • Raw Potato:-


Some believe that a freshly cut potato can alleviate the pain of a minor burn. Could it be the cold liquid that’s emitted from the potato is responsible or the pain relief? (a similar result to putting a burn under cold running water.)

  • Tea Bags:- 


Apparently tea can do more than just calm you. Some people use a cold cup of tea on minor burns, alternating between the actual tea beverage and the used bag.

  • Onion Juice:-


It has to be taken from a freshly cut onion and should be applied to a minor burn right away. People have said that it calms the pain and prevents blistering.

  • Tomato:-


A sliced tomato is said to heal the pain from a burn. Some say it’s the naturally-occurring lycopene that does the trick

  • Baking Soda:-


Baking soda will help your baked goods rise. It’ll also kill the odour in your fridge. But can it help heal minor burns? Some people believe that a baking soda paste (made with water) will stop the pain.

  • Egg White:-

You could use your egg whites for your kitchen burns. Some say that applying egg whites to a minor burn will relieve the pain and possibly help with scarring as well.

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