Posted by: Cooking Thyme | March 30, 2013

Pancake Cake

This is not your normal everyday cake –It’s really unusual and its quick, easy to make and you didn’t even need an oven to make and the best thing about it, is the kids can join in and have fun making it.
Seriously, you gotta make this, you won’t regret it 🙂

Pancake Cake (59)

• 3 cups self-raising flour
• 3 cups milk
• 3 large eggs
• salt
• oil
• 150 g dark chocolate
• 50 g butter
• 200 g toasted hazelnuts (almonds)
• 600 ml double cream
• lemon zest
• 1½ icing sugar

Make your pancake with the same method, I’ve used here (pancake with pomegranate)  but we’re going to increase the quantity as we need more pancakes to pile the cake. 

Melt the chocolate, butter and a pinch of salt in a bowl over a pan of  water stirring occasionally (don’t let the water touch the bowl) or if you’re in a hurry in a microwave.
Meanwhile, smash the toasted nuts until fine and remove the melted chocolate from the heat, stir in 200ml of cream and a handful of bashed nuts. Whisk the remaining cream with the lemon zest and sugar until it thickens.

To layer your cake, put a pancake on a plate. Spread some chocolate over the pancake and top with another pancake and spread the second with cream -one layer of with chocolate, the next covered with cream-continue doing this till you’ve used al the pancakes you have, but don’t make it too high or it will lean or fall

Smooth the sides with a knife to tidy up the edges, then pour the remaining cream on top. Let it drip down the sides and spread to cover the cake. Press the remaining nuts around the sides, and to up with your lovely chocolate gratings.

Pancake Cake (41)

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